Cheese Chasing

Before you read all the written post below, I want you to know that this is not about cheese. This is about your opportunities that was perfectly explained by Dr. Spencer Johnson, in his book Who Moved My Cheese? His book is one of the best book that created an impeccable analogy about different people’s coping mechanism when change is happening.

In the story, there are four characters: two mice and two men the size of mice. The two mice are the fastest to adapt, one of the men denies and resists change, and the other adapts when it can lead to something of an improvement. Now, I cannot spoil the contents of the book here but, I can impart the lessons that I have learnt from reading.

First lesson that was imparted to me by the book is that always be aware of the environment. May it be about business, family, job, or any personal things. When you sense that change is happening, it is best that you act upon it faster than anyone. Keep on learning everyday especially in today’s age, in which change seems to be happening every single day.

Next, is that no matter how hard you work if you do not work smartly, you will end up being stuck in the same cycle everyday. The two must be combined in order to cope up in this ever changing world. Look for better ways to improve your life and never be afraid to try something new if it will make you better.

The other is that if you do not adapt fast enough, you will become irrelevant. Now this we have witnessed in our lifetime. One of the best example I can give is the video rental business that is now almost extinct. Before the peak of the age of internet, I love going to this places because when you go here together with your loved ones, it means that you are gonna have a lovely evening of relaxation and bonding. There used to be a lot of customers that rents the DVD, VCD, and/or VHS of rental house. However, they did not anticipate the power of change that the internet will bring forth in our world. Thus, they became immaterial today and will only be a memory to us who has experience their products and services.

Another important lesson that I learnt is that not evolving your mindset will keep you on a false path the rest of your life. Now, for me this is the most important one. Having a winner’s mindset that is capable of adapting to change can bring you anywhere you want. These types of person are always at the top of their game because they know that there is always room for improvement. No matter how hard the lessons are, never back down. Take for example one of the best player to have ever graced the court of NBA, the late Kobe Bryant. A very accomplished person inside and outside the court. His mamba mentality is what brings him success and love from all around the world. He keeps on grinding and evolving his game on a non-human like level. And if you do not do something that improves your mindset, you will not achieve the goals that you have set on yourself.

The last and certainly not the least is that when you have reach your goal, never forget where you came from, the people that helped you achieve your dream and always lend a helping hand to those person who works hard everyday. You yourself knows how hard it is to reach that goal. As you feed your mind with all the important lessons that propelled you forward, it is also important to feed your soul as it is what connects us to our humanity. Be the inspiration that even people who can not fathom change, will be inspired by you.

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