Born With Superpowers

Back when I was a kid until now, superpowers amazes me. I am an avid fan of comics, manga, fantasy books and movies. Whenever I read comics like DC’s Superman, I wish to have his superhuman abilities like flying, super strength, and many more. Then when afternoon comes, the anime shown on TV is always a must watch for me. The likes of Son Goku from Dragon Ball Z always makes me participate whenever they ask for energy to defeat their enemies through energy ball. I just always have to raise both of my arms to give them a bit of my energy.

As years passes by, I always wonder if we can acquire such feats that could help us during hard times. Thus as I began researching and I found out that we really do have superpowers that even some superheroes would envy us. Here are the top five list that I found out:

  1. Our body emits a small light in which it seems invisible to the naked eye. It literally means we are glowing! Now whenever you feel down, always keep in mind that you will always stand out and survive the darkness that you are feeling. That light inside you will always be there to guide you whenever you feel lost in this dark world. It will be even brighter if we stay together and help each other during these gloomy times.
  2. Our brain has a million gigabytes capacity! Now that is a lot to process but no worries for our brain has got it. However they only fail during exams. Kidding! With this information, let us store enough memories in our mind that will help us fill this millions of gigabytes inside our head. Fill this with knowledge, love, happy memories and many more. Always remember that knowledge is our power and learning is our special ability. Whatever we put in our mind we could make it happen. Want to make a string and a piece of wood make music? No problem we could create string instruments (e.g. guitar, ukulele, violin, etc.) that could sway us to a beautiful mood. So, install and harness that beautiful mind of yours and achieve those goals and dreams that you always wanted.
  3. The ability to heal ourself! Have you ever wondered why every time we wound ourself it just keeps on healing? Well it is because our body is designed for healing. Some take time but we sure do recover whenever our body is injured. This also tells us that if ever life puts us down or we face some problems, we should trust ourselves that we can overcome anything because we always can. No matter how hard it is down the road, no matter how slow we move, we could always move forward with a renewed self.
  4. The ability to grow. When i was a kid, I was always intrigued by adults as they were so much bigger than I was. Their strength was way stronger than mine that I can be easily overpowered. Then, I learned during my science class in elementary school that everybody grows as we reach adulthood. We are also able to sculpt our body to whatever possible shape we could if we put our mind into it and partner it with discipline. When we want to be healthy, we could always eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. When we want to be smart, we could always study and educate ourselves to whatever interests us. We are a special species because we could be whatever we want to be. Never allow others to pull you down because you could always transform yourself to be the person whom you want to be.
  5. The ability to share ideas. This blog is one example on how ideas are shared. I am not sure if other animals can share ideas like we humans do, but I am very certain that we human beings evolved and transformed our environment and culture through sharing of ideas. We are able to invent amazing stuff through this and have helped a lot of people all over the world. When you think your ideas can impact the world or even help your class in school, never be shy to share them. Your idea might just be the perfect solution to some of the problems that we are experiencing now. Always remember that you and everyone of us matter in this world. Always be brave no matter what the situation is because you will always have the idea to make through it.

Now the list above are my top five that amazes me. I know you have some more to add to and never be ashamed to share it with us and the rest of the world.

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