Edited Family

You can not choose your own family and ancestors. The moment you are born, you carry your parents genes and grow within the culture that is in your environment. The good part about this is when your parents are talented or even a member of your family is talented, you may carry it with you just like being good at singing, dancing, art, etc. You may also be able to bring with their academic skills that will help you in your studies. The culture that you grow in could also determine your behavior, likes and dislikes. Physical features are also inherited by the children.

For every positive results, there is a negative part that can never be neglected. Sad to say, genetic disorder are also being passed to the future generations. Genetic disorder is a result of one or more abnormalities in our genome. It can be cause by a lot of factors like: mutation in single gene (monogenic) or multiple genes like polygenic or through chromosomal abnormalities and mitochondrial inheritance. Approximately, one in fifty people are affected by monogenic disorder while 1 in 263 people are affected by chromosomal disorder.

According to medicine net single-gene disorders have different patterns of genetic inheritance such as: autosomal dominant inheritance, in which only one copy of defective genes from either parent causes the condition; autosomal recessive inheritance, in which each parents’ gene contributes to the condition; and lastly the X linked inheritance, in which the gene is present in the female or from the X chromosomes. Some samples are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and hemochromatosis.

Polygenic inheritance or multifactorial inheritance are caused by a combination of mutation of multiple genes and environmental factors. Few examples of polygenic disease are hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, and diabetes. Polygenic inheritance are also associated with height, skin color, fingerprints, and other physical attributes that runs in the family.

Chromosomal Abnormalities are in the nucleus of each cell. Because chromosomes are carriers of the genetic tools, abnormalities in such results into diseases. The most common is having down syndrome.

Mitochondrial genetic inheritance disorder is caused by mutations in the non-nuclear DNA of the mitochondria. This disorder always comes from the mother because egg cell, not the sperm, keeps mitochondria during fertilization. Examples of mitochondrial disease are: Leber’s hereditary optic athropy, myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers, and rare forms of dementia like MELAS.

These diseases are unavoidable because they form while we are on our mother’s womb and is inherited from each Family line. However, due to the advancement in technology, CRISPR (pronounced as “crisper”) was able to develop a tool that is capable of editing genomes. CRISPR stands for clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (Livescience). It is capable of editing genomes that could help correct defects in the genes, treating and preventing potential spread of the disease and also helps in improving the crop.

Imagine the technology that is developed by humans. Our very own genes can be modified that if it does not suit us, we could change it for the betterment of ourselves. Now, those part are inherited from our biological family. What if I tell you that we also have a second family? Yes, they are the people that we meet along the way as we grow in life.

You see, whether we like it or not, there are people that we meet in our lives that could sometimes leave an everlasting impact. This impact may be good or not, will always change us for the better or for the worse. What we have learned from the previous paragraph tells us that even our genes, whom we thought could never be changed, can eventually be done to better improve us. Now who can tell you that you can not change your family?

There are some instances or events in our lives that even our biological family disappoints us. They may have become toxic for us for our growth, or any other reasons, it is ok to cut ties with them and find our new family that can better improve us. Now, this does not only revolve around our biological family. Our friends, mentors, teachers can sometimes pull us down instead of helping us. The good thing about this life is that we can do what we want whenever we want. So if someone does not suit with you as you grow into the person that you want to be, it is more than ok to cut ties with them and move forward. I know it is almost impossible to lose them, but believe me, a much better persons are on the way.

I am one of the lucky ones in which my family and friends are there for support and always pulls me up to be better. With this beautiful privilege I have in life, I always return this to another person. May it be stranger or not. In our house, not everybody living there is blood relative. Most of them are the people that we met along the way that needs a family that supports them to be better. I also try my very best everyday to be a better person that can help one another when difficult time comes. Just always remember that change, even if its very tough but you know could make you better, is a must. You may see yourself after all is said and done, that you became the person you always want to be and with the right family that you always wanted. May they be the family you grow with or a new one, as long as you are happy, it is ok and advance congratulations!

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