Less is More

Socrates, was a Greek philosopher said that “The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less”

In this modern world, nearly all people tend to be on-trend; trapped in a never-ending rat race. Striving to have this and that, always wanting more; Exhausted of making money, over occupied of useless things, having wrong priorities. Swept by these fancy things, forgetting that building and nurturing a relationship is what’s important. Remember, life is short, and your loved ones are getting old. Let’s get our mindset right and cherish every moment that we have with the people we love.

Visualize a tourist travelling the world for months with just one backpack. Imagine how few things you can fit into that, and it amazes me how they survived with barely those things. That was then I realized I didn’t need much stuff in my life to live. I was once a spendthrift at the same time a hoarder. My life was full of clutter, never been proud of it too. Making ineffective decisions with all of my financial resources. Spending more and saving less, that was my biggest regret.

I don’t want you to make the same mistakes that I did. Moreover, I can’t change anyone’s mindset, but I will share to you my new habits after that tourist inspired me.

Here are some of my ways which exhibits less is more:

1. Declutter

Get rid of the stuff that you don’t need and free up some space. There are a lot of things in your home and your life that you don’t actually use, need, or you even don’t like. These came to your life because of impulsive decisions — resulting to things lying around like rubbish. Whether you’re aware of it or not, this clutter causes negative effects on your mental and physical health, it can leave you feeling anxious, stressed, and making unrestrained happiness a real burden. The KonMari method says keep the things that brings you joy, or keep what’s essential to you. If you don’t need it you may as well donate it, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

2. Work Smart

Don’t you ever feel tired of working 48 hours a week? Productivity is not measured on how long you’ve been working but in the quality of output done in a small amount of time. Build a routine where you can do more with less time, test your results and try to beat that to start being productive.

3. Spend less, save more

I always have that feeling of guilt when I spend too much into something I hardly need. Things depreciate value overtime makes you want to spend less of the cheap things and invest more into a high quality material where you can use in 5 years, even a decade or more. Before buying things ask yourself first “Do I really need this?” or “am I only buying this to impress my friends and relatives?” Many people spend the money they have earned to buy things they don’t really need, to impress people they hate.

In contrary, there’s that positive feeling when you save. You have that sense of security where you can have something for the future. Financial literacy is not taught in school. For that reason parents should teach their children the value of money, help them develop their money-management skills while they were young. Boy you are so lucky if you grew up in a financially literate environment.

4. Eat healthy

As an old saying goes “health is wealth.” We should eat more of the nutrient-dense foods and less with the junk foods to live long. During ECQ where most establishments are closed especially restaurants, I realized you can also make your favorite dish in your kitchen plus you can practice your cooking skills. Try not eating out in a restaurant which is costly and unhealthy (some uses MSG).

5. Quality over Quantity

This means you should choose the best over a lot of its lesser value. This also applies to your relationships. Example quoted in an article which says “Having few true friends is better than having a large network of pretentious friends.” Surround yourself with smiling, positive people. You get to choose who you want to be with, do not live your life alone. Friendship improves happiness and love is happiness multiplied.  And I am always thankful of people who surrounds me and for those who choose me.

People say that what we are seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive. —JOSEPH CAMPBELL, The Power of Myth

Breathe and reflect.

Do you want to live your life truly having more but less happy? or do you want to live by having less where you can create a meaningful life of more?

Choose wisely, you decide.

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