Our Legacy

We live. We die. What’s next? Those persons that are close to us personally, will remembered us for years, but those who bring a great impact into this world will be remembered forever.

If you want to be remembered for many years to come, you can do wrongful things, such as shooting the President. Who knows, some authors might put your name on history books as “The man who shot the President.

No one wants to be remembered negatively during their lifetime. All of us can make a positive impact into this world. Quoting from the movie Iron Man 2 when Howard Stark (Tony’s father) left a message for Tony (Ironman), “I’m limited by the technology of my time, but one day you’ll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest invention, is you”.

The story of Howard and Tony Stark tells us that, some things are limited to do during our lifetime. And by investing in ourselves, our children and grandchildren will reaped the harvest of our investments. By doing great things, even if our time has come to an end, someone will continue our journey and the great things that we started.

When I was young, I was so naïve. Just a happy-go-lucky person with no concerns for other peoples’ problems. I just don’t care. When I was getting older, I realized that the things we do during our lifetime has a great impact on our children, grandchildren, and for the next generation.

We all know that, wealth can be inherit from our parents, whether it’s money, property, etc. Lucky are those who are born with wealth to inherit. Most of us are fortunate because our parents are financially wise. We are raised according with their plans. Credits to all the Moms and Dads out there, biologically related or not.

Wealth is not the only thing that we can inherit from our parents, but also poverty. The moment we are born, we cannot choose our family. It’s sad to see those persons suffer from poverty. We cannot put all the blame to those parents that make their families suffer from poverty, because their mindsets are also inherited from their late parents. With the right education and support, we could break this endless cycle of poverty that passed through generations.

Let us all be aware that, not all the things we contribute to support the less fortunate are making their lives thrive, we are just making it worse. Quoted from Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”.

We will be leaving here soon, but something to left behind. Our legacy might not be as impactful as others, but something beneficial for our children, grandchildren, next gens, and to the world.

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