A new beginning from the old stuff

In our lifetime, we have faced and will be facing difficult challenges. How we always wish that we will never face such hard trials again. These trials can sometimes bring us to tears and on the verge of giving up. This will then make us think of our life choices on why this toxicity is being loaded on us even though it seems that we have done nothing wrong.

As we ponder over our life choices, we sometimes tend to recall our childhood memories, in which everything was perfect. There are no major problems on our daily lives back then. The only things we think about was what food to eat, colours to use on our colouring book, which cartoons to watch, etc. Whenever we need something or want something, we could just tell our parents and/or guardians, and they will willingly give it to us more often. These kinds of memories bring us peace and serenity to our adult life.

Today, it is hard to be like a kid again. There are responsibilities that we have to face, and bills to pay. Then sooner or later, we’ll realise that most of us are stuck in the job that we do not want. It’s either we did not achieve our childhood dream and/or the job environment is too toxic that it began to suck our energy every single day.

As much as we want to quit our job, the fear of being a failure holds us back and we ended up working with a blindfold. Only a few could say that they are genuinely happy with what they are doing. Some are still lost and do not know where they are going that they want to just go with the flow, and some has no choice at all.

One of the best thing to do is to educate ourselves on how we could escape this storm in our lives. Learn how to save money and how to make it grow even if you are sleeping. Allocate time to do the things that make you happy and do not forget to make it a hobby. Avoid procrastinating. And never be afraid to do new things that you know will make you happy. Protect and prepare yourselves before escaping the storm becomes impossible.

Let us not wait until we reach retirement to do things that will make us happy. We may have saved enough by then, but our physical body might not be enough anymore. Ignore what the society will say because it is not their life. It yours and yours only. Keep moving forward directly into your own happiness. Quoting from one of my favourite character from the novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf the Grey, when Frodo was having a difficult time and said “I wish it need not have happened in my time”, then Gandalf replied “So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” The wizard’s reply was so meaningful that I believe could withstand the test of time. 

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