Not So Small Anymore

Have you ever wondered if you will really leave an impact here on Earth after everything is all said and done? Many people stresses this out because they always feel that they are running out of time. Some say they are out of resources. And some say they just can not do it at all. Maybe after reading this article, your perspective will change.

Phytoplankton are one of the smallest living organisms on Earth. According to NOAA, they are also known as micro algae that are similar to terrestrial plants and requires sunlight because of the chlorophyll content they have. Without them, marine life will not flourish. They serve as food to whales, shrimps, and other sea creatures. Not only do they produce food for the marine life, they also produce approximately 80% of the world’s oxygen. Imagine being one of the smallest creature on Earth and just by knowing your purpose and working together, you become the biggest reason why the planet is what it is today.

With this in mind, let us not forget that this powerful impact could also endanger everything and everyone around us. Take for example the plastic. Plastic was created so that we could reduce the usage of ivory from elephants and papers to avoid too much deforestation. Plastic is very helpful because we could create synthetically without help from the natural world. It help us humans during world wars where metal was used heavily for the military.

What was helpful before, became a very big problem today. Without proper waste management, plastic has destroyed the world. It blocked our drainage system that causes major floods during rainy season. Even just a slight rain could now cause flood in cities. Plastic pollution just like in land are also a massive problem in oceans. According to, the great Pacific garbage patch has grown to more than the size of two states of Texas or three times the size of France. That is approximately more than 600,000 square miles floating around our ocean. It is also estimated that 1.51 – 2.41 million metric tonnes of plastic pollution alone enters our ocean every year.

Not only that, plastic are even found in our food. Microplastics, a fragment of plastic that is less than 5 mm in length are destroying marine life. Fishes end up eating them mistaking that they are probably phytoplankton. Then humans eat the fish that ate those microplastics. The cycle always comes back hitting us directly in our health.

Plastic pollution has gotten out of hand now but it does not mean it is the end. Now we realize that we are not that small, let us educate ourselves on how we could impact the world in a positive way. We may not be Bill Gates, but we sure could be as impactful. We could end this pollution and other problems that we face by working together. No resources are needed and you can surely do it. Do it now and show everybody that you have what it takes to change the world.

2 thoughts on “Not So Small Anymore”

    1. wow! thank you for that comment! I am very glad to know that I was able to make somebody appreciate my post. Stay healthy and stay safe! 🙂

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